Dubai's Premier and Most Trusted Dental Clinic for Invisalign

Smart and Discreet Way to Straighten Your Teeth

Experience simple aligner treatments for brighter smiles and long-term results. Straighten your teeth naturally with our custom-made transparent aligners and braces.

Why Choose Invisalign?

The World’s Most Advanced Clear Aligner

Your orthodontist will take impressions of your teeth and send them, along with your prescription, to Invisalign.

  • SmartTrack® Material: Only Invisalign transparent aligners use this proprietary plastic to straighten your teeth with ease and precision.
  • Custom Trimmed: Unlike other orthodontic appliances, Invisalign is gentle on your teeth and gums.
  • Treatment in as Little as 6 Months: The technology and patented material can help you achieve the smile you want faster than you might think.

A Smart Tech Approach

iTero Invisalign Scanning

Equipped with iTero digital scanners, our orthodontists at My Child and I can perform advanced Invisalign treatments with precision and accuracy. Here’s how iTero scanners work: the digital scanner is positioned on the surface of the patient’s teeth and slowly maneuvered to their gums and soft tissues. Using the data from these high-resolution systems, the dentist can develop a 3D model of the teeth, followed by Invisalign hole filling and edge trimming. Finally, the scan is sent to the local providers of Invisalign for making the custom transparent aligners.


SmileView is an innovative AI-generated virtual simulation that enables you to obtain a visual prediction of your smile, both before and after the Invisalign treatment. By employing this technology, you can preview the outcomes of your Invisalign treatment before they even begin!

While actual results may vary, this smile visualization tool will inspire you to start your Invisalign treatments today and attain the ideal natural-looking smile you’ve always wanted.

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My Child & I

Ameer Bu Khamseen tower
Flat 205 - Al Majaz 3
Al Majaz - Sharjah
United Arab Emirates

Sunday to Thursday 11:00AM to 8:00PM